Partner with us to share God's Promises!

Operation Worship® | Fund. Print. Deploy.

The Challenge

We are receiving more requests for Bibles than we have funding to print and ship (deploy). We get funding from multiple private sources and our partners provide incredible support through discounted rates and additional personnel resources. However, we have to fill the gaps and rely completely on God's great provision for this. He ALWAYS makes a way.

You Are The Solution

Operation Worship® thrives with the generous support from our great community of believers who donate through our website and at events we are invited to. If you would prayerfully consider donating, that is one of the greatest gifts we can receive as it helps to further our mission to further God’s touch by enriching the spiritual lives of military personnel and their families with opportunities for worship, discipleship, and spiritual growth in Jesus Christ through God's Word.

Servicemen & Women

Bibles Deployed

Currently On Back-Order


Trusting in God

Partner with us in giving hope!

Operation Worship® | Fund. Print. Deploy.
What is Operation Worship?Donate Now!